What is a Perpetual Fallback License? Print

  • CycleTrends, Software Licensing, Licensing
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A Perpetual Fallback License is a license that allows you to use a specific earlier version of software without an active subscription to that software. This fallback license also includes any later bugfix updates - more specifically, for any X.Y.Z version, all later Z releases are included.

All Subscription Licenses for any Modular Konzeps modules, plugins, or software include a Perpetual Fallback License after every 12 consecutive months. This provides you with perpetual fallback access to the exact version available when your 12 consecutive months subscription started. After each following consecutive month, you will have fallback access to the exact version available at the start of those 12 consecutive months - and so on into perpetuity!

When purchasing an annual subscription, you will immediately have a perpetual fallback license for the exact version available at the time of purchase. Upon each annual renewal, you will have an updated perpetual fallback license for the exact version available at the time of renewal.

With a monthly subscription, you will receive access to a perpetual fallback license after every 12 consecutive months for the exact version available at the start of each 12 consecutive months.

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